mat2 library


mul → const List<double> Function(List<double> out, List<double> a, List<double> b)
Alias for {@link mat2.multiply} @function
sub → const List<double> Function(List<double> out, List<double> a, List<double> b)
Alias for {@link mat2.subtract} @function


add(List<double> out, List<double> a, List<double> b) List<double>
Adds two mat2's
adjoint(List<double> out, List<double> a) → dynamic
Calculates the adjugate of a mat2
clone(List<double> a) List<double>
Creates a new mat2 initialized with values from an existing matrix
copy(List<double> out, List<double> a) List<double>
Copy the values from one mat2 to another
create() List<double>
2x2 Matrix @module mat2 Creates a new identity mat2
determinant(List<double> a) double
Calculates the determinant of a mat2
equals(List<double> a, List<double> b) bool
Returns whether or not the matrices have approximately the same elements in the same position.
exactEquals(List<double> a, List<double> b) bool
Returns whether or not the matrices have exactly the same elements in the same position (when compared with ===)
frob(List<double> a) double
Returns Frobenius norm of a mat2
fromRotation(List<double> out, double rad) → dynamic
Creates a matrix from a given angle This is equivalent to (but much faster than):
fromScaling(List<double> out, List<double> v) → dynamic
Creates a matrix from a vector scaling This is equivalent to (but much faster than):
fromValues(double m00, double m01, double m10, double m11) List<double>
Create a new mat2 with the given values
identity(List<double> out) List<double>
Set a mat2 to the identity matrix
invert(List<double> out, List<double> a) List<double>?
Inverts a mat2
LDU(List<double> L, List<double> D, List<double> U, List<double> a) List<List<double>>
Returns L, D and U matrices (Lower triangular, Diagonal and Upper triangular) by factorizing the input matrix @param {ReadonlyMat2} L the lower triangular matrix @param {ReadonlyMat2} D the diagonal matrix @param {ReadonlyMat2} U the upper triangular matrix @param {ReadonlyMat2} a the input matrix to factorize
multiply(List<double> out, List<double> a, List<double> b) List<double>
Multiplies two mat2's
multiplyScalar(List<double> out, List<double> a, double b) List<double>
Multiply each element of the matrix by a scalar.
multiplyScalarAndAdd(List<double> out, List<double> a, List<double> b, double scale) List<double>
Adds two mat2's after multiplying each element of the second operand by a scalar value.
rotate(List<double> out, List<double> a, double rad) List<double>
Rotates a mat2 by the given angle
scale(List<double> out, List<double> a, List<double> v) → dynamic
Scales the mat2 by the dimensions in the given vec2
set(List<double> out, double m00, double m01, double m10, double m11) List<double>
Set the components of a mat2 to the given values
str(List<double> a) String
Returns a string representation of a mat2
subtract(List<double> out, List<double> a, List<double> b) List<double>
Subtracts matrix b from matrix a
transpose(List<double> out, List<double> a) List<double>
Transpose the values of a mat2