run method

  1. @override
void run()

Runs this command.

The return value is wrapped in a Future if necessary and returned by CommandRunner.runCommand.


void run() {
  final bool isOnIos = argResults?['ios'] ?? false;

  final path = join(current, 'test_driver', 'test_driver.yaml');
  if (!exists(path)) {
    StatusHelper.failed('test_driver.yaml not found');

  final yaml = YamlHelper.loadFileYaml(path);
  final workingDir = yaml['working_dir'] as String;
  final apk = join(current, workingDir, yaml['apk']);
  final ipa = join(current, workingDir, yaml['ipa']);
  final target = join(current, workingDir, yaml['target']);
  final screenshot = yaml['screenshot'] != null
      ? '--screenshot="${join(current, workingDir, yaml['screenshot'])}"'
      : '';
  final scenario = (yaml['scenario'] as List)
      .map((e) => join(current, workingDir, e))

  final useApp = isOnIos ? ipa : apk;

  for (var element in scenario) {
    'gits_cli drive -t "$target" -a "$useApp" -d "$element" $screenshot'.run;
