waitForEx<T> function
Changes a async call into a synchronous call.
Wraps the standard cli waitFor but rethrows any exceptions with a repaired stacktrace.
Exceptions would normally have a microtask stack which is useless. The repaired stack replaces the exceptions stack with a full stack.
// T waitForEx<T>(Future<T> future) =>
// Chain.capture(() => cli.waitFor<T>(future), onError: (e, st) {
// print('hi');
// Error.throwWithStackTrace(e, st);
// });
T waitForEx<T>(Future<T> wrapped) {
final stackTrace = Trace.current();
late T value;
try {
value = cli.waitFor<T>(wrapped);
// ignore: avoid_catching_errors
on AsyncError catch (e) {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(e.error, _merge(stackTrace, e.stackTrace));
// ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
} catch (e, st) {
Error.throwWithStackTrace(e, _merge(stackTrace, st));
return value;