waitForEx<T> function

T waitForEx<T>(
  1. Future<T> future

Wraps the standard cli waitFor but rethrows any exceptions with a repaired stacktrace.

The exception is wrapped in a DCliException with the original exception in DCliException.cause and the repaired stacktrace in DCliException.stackTrace;

Exceptions would normally have a microtask stack which is useless the repaired stack replaces the exceptions stack with a full stack.


T waitForEx<T>(Future<T> future) {
  final stackTrace = StackTraceImpl();
  DCliException? exception;
  late StackTrace microTaskStackTrace;
  late T value;
  try {
    value = cli.waitFor<T>(future);
  // ignore: avoid_catching_errors
  on AsyncError catch (e) {
    microTaskStackTrace = e.stackTrace;

    if (e.error is DCliException) {
      exception = e.error as DCliException;
    } else {
      final merged = stackTrace.merge(microTaskStackTrace);
      Logger('dcli').severe(() => '''
Rethrowing a non DCliException $e

      // When dart 2.16 is released we can use this which fixes the stack
      // properly
      Error.throwWithStackTrace(e.error, merged);

      // 2.15
      // ignore: only_throw_errors
      // throw e.error;
    // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
  } catch (e) {

  if (exception != null) {
    // see issue: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/30741
    // adn https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/10297
    // We currently have no way to throw the repaired stack trace.
    // The best we can do is store the repaired stack trace in the
    // DCliException.

    final merged = stackTrace.merge(microTaskStackTrace);

    /// When dart 2.16 is released we can use this which fixes the stack
    /// properly
    Error.throwWithStackTrace(exception, merged);

    // 2.15
    // throw exception..stackTrace = merged;
  return value;