isPubGetRequired method

bool isPubGetRequired(
  1. String workingDirectory

Returns true if you need to run pub get. If there is no pubspec.yaml in the workingDirectory then an PubspecNotFoundException will be thrown. Running pub get is required if any of the following are older (or don't exist) than your pubspec.yaml file: pubspec.lock .dart_tool/package_config.json


bool isPubGetRequired(String workingDirectory) {
  if (!exists(join(workingDirectory, 'pubspec.yaml'))) {
    throw PubspecNotFoundException(workingDirectory);

  final modified = stat(join(workingDirectory, 'pubspec.yaml')).modified;

  final lock = join(workingDirectory, 'pubspec.lock');
  if (!exists(lock) || stat(lock).modified.isBefore(modified)) {
    return true;

  final config = join(workingDirectory, '.dart_tool', 'package_config.json');
  if (!exists(config) || stat(config).modified.isBefore(modified)) {
    return true;

  return false;