Column.parse constructor
A column string is formed as:
[ordinal] - the column no. base 1
s - case sensitive string sort - the default
S - case insensitive string sort
n - numeric sort
m - month name sort
If the [direction] is specified then you must also specifiy the type
a - ascending - the default
d - descending
Column.parse(String column, {bool ordinalOnly = false}) {
final digits = _countDigits(column);
ordinal = int.parse(column.substring(0, digits));
if (ordinalOnly && digits < column.length) {
throw InvalidArgumentException(
'Expected only a column no but found: $column');
var type = 's';
if (column.length > digits) {
type = column.substring(digits, digits + 1);
_comparator = _typeMap[type];
if (_comparator == null) {
throw InvalidArgumentException('The sort type $type is not valid');
var direction = 'a';
if (column.length > digits + 1) {
direction = column.substring(digits + 1, digits + 2);
_sortDirection = _directionMap[direction];
if (_sortDirection == null) {
throw InvalidArgumentException(
'The sort direction $direction is not valid');