debug(String message)
→ void
error(dynamic message, {AnnotationProperties? properties = const AnnotationProperties()})
→ void
escapeData(dynamic s)
→ String
Escapes the command data by replacing special characters.
escapeProperty(dynamic s)
→ String
Escapes the command property by replacing special characters.
exportVariable(String name, dynamic val)
→ void
getInput(String key, {String? defaultValue, bool required = false, bool trimWhitespace = false})
→ String?
getState(String name)
→ String
group<T>(String name, Future<T> body())
→ Future<T>
→ void
info(String message)
→ void
→ bool
issue(String name, {String message = ''})
→ void
Issues a command with a given name and optional message.
issueCommand(String command, Map<String, dynamic> properties, dynamic message)
→ void
Issues a command to the job step.
issueFileCommand(String command, dynamic message)
→ void
Issues a file command with a command name and a message.
notice(dynamic message, {AnnotationProperties? properties = const AnnotationProperties()})
→ void
prepareKeyValueMessage(String key, dynamic value)
→ String
Prepares a key-value message with a delimiter for a command.
saveState(String name, dynamic value)
→ void
setCommandEcho(bool enabled)
→ void
setFailed(dynamic message)
→ void
startGroup(String name)
→ void
toCommandProperties(AnnotationProperties? annotationProperties)
→ Map<String, dynamic>
Converts the annotation properties to command properties.
toCommandValue(dynamic input)
→ String
Converts the input to a command value.
toPlatformPath(String pth)
→ String
toPosixPath(String pth)
→ String
toWin32Path(String pth)
→ String
warning(dynamic message, {AnnotationProperties? properties = const AnnotationProperties()})
→ void