renderMarkdown function

void renderMarkdown(
  1. GitHub github,
  2. String selector, {
  3. int indent = 4,

Renders Markdown in HTML using the GitHub API

TODO: Remove the requirement of indent and auto-detect it.

github is the GitHub instance to use. selector is the selector to use to find markdown elements. indent is the indent that needs to be stripped out.


void renderMarkdown(GitHub github, String selector, {int indent = 4}) {
  final elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);

  elements.removeWhere((Element it) => it.attributes.containsKey('rendered'));

  for (final e in elements) {
    final txt = e.text!;

    final md = txt.split('\n').map((it) {
      return it.length >= indent ? it.substring(indent) : it;

    github.misc.renderMarkdown(md).then((html) {
      e.hidden = false;
      e.setAttribute('rendered', '');
      // ignore: unsafe_html
      e.setInnerHtml(html, treeSanitizer: NodeTreeSanitizer.trusted);