CheckRunAnnotation constructor

const CheckRunAnnotation({
  1. required CheckRunAnnotationLevel annotationLevel,
  2. required int endLine,
  3. required String message,
  4. required String path,
  5. required int startLine,
  6. required String title,
  7. int? startColumn,
  8. int? endColumn,
  9. String? rawDetails,


const CheckRunAnnotation({
  required this.annotationLevel,
  required this.endLine,
  required this.message,
  required this.path,
  required this.startLine,
  required this.title,
})  : assert(startColumn == null || startLine == endLine,
          'Annotations only support start_column and end_column on the same line.'),
      assert(endColumn == null || startLine == endLine,
          'Annotations only support start_column and end_column on the same line.'),
      assert(title.length <= 255);