init static method

Future<GitDir> init(
  1. String path, {
  2. bool allowContent = false,
  3. String? initialBranch,

allowContent if true, doesn't check to see if the directory is empty

initialBranch if provided, specifies the initial branch name. If not provided, the default for git CLI is used.

Will fail if the source is a git directory (either at the root or a sub directory).


static Future<GitDir> init(
  String path, {
  bool allowContent = false,
  String? initialBranch,
}) async {
  final source = Directory(path);

  if (allowContent == true) {
    return _init(source, branchName: initialBranch);

  // else, verify it's empty
  final isEmpty = await source.list().isEmpty;
  if (!isEmpty) {
    throw ArgumentError('source Directory is not empty - $source');
  return _init(source, branchName: initialBranch);