ghTrendingDevelopers function

Future<List<GithubDeveloperItem>> ghTrendingDevelopers({
  1. String programmingLanguage = '',
  2. String proxy = '',
  3. GhTrendDateRange dateRange =,
  4. Map<String, String> headers = const {},

Load trending developers from GitHub.


programmingLanguage - use the provided ghProgrammingLanguages map to access all programming languages. You can use the map value for the UI and map key for the parameter.

dateRange - use the GhTrendDateRange enum to access all possible date range. Call the provided method ghDateRangeLabel(...) for displaying the value to the UI.


Future<List<GithubDeveloperItem>> ghTrendingDevelopers({
  String programmingLanguage = '',
  String proxy = '',
  GhTrendDateRange dateRange =,
  Map<String, String> headers = const {},
}) async {
  return _scraper.copyWith(base: '/developers').ghTrendingDevelopers(
        programmingLanguage: programmingLanguage,
        proxy: proxy,
        dateRange: dateRange,
        headers: headers,