GitHub trending scraper for dart and flutter.
Trending repositories
var result = await ghTrendingRepositories();
The ghTrendingRepositories()
method will return a list of GithubRepoItem
It also provides optional parameters like:
var result = await ghTrendingRepositories(
spokenLanguageCode: 'en',
programmingLanguage: 'javascript',
dateRange: GhTrendDateRange.thisWeek, // or `today` or `thisMonth`.
Trending developers
var result = await ghTrendingDevelopers();
The ghTrendingDevelopers()
method will return a list of GithubDeveloperItem
It also provides optional parameters like:
var result = await ghTrendingDevelopers(
programmingLanguage: 'javascript',
dateRange: GhTrendDateRange.thisWeek, // or `today` or `thisMonth`.
- use the provided ghSpokenLanguages map to access all spoken languages. You can use the map value for the UI and map key for the parameter.
- use the provided ghProgrammingLanguages map to access all programming languages. You can use the map value for the UI and map key for the parameter.
- use the GhTrendDateRange enum to access all possible date range. Call the provided method ghDateRangeLabel(...) for displaying the value to the UI.
- gh_trend
- GitHub trending (developers & repositories) scraper for dart and flutter.