GgList - Automatically chose the right native list type

GgList allows to create optimized lists based on the value range.


Dart Script Execution


Class Description
GgList Create lists of ordinary value types
Gg2dList Access organize list items as rows and cols
GgIntList Create Uint8List etc based on a value range
Gg2dIntList Access organize list items as rows and cols
IntListFactory Create native typed lists based on value range


  • Generate a list of a given length and a given value range
  • GgList will automatically choose the right native type, e.g. Uint8List
  • The generated list is unmutable
  • Use copyWith() or transform() to generate new changed lists.
  • Also hashcode is calculated


Please look into the tests to find various usage examples.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at GitHub.


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