AntdIcon class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


accountbook → const IconData
accountbook_fill → const IconData
addteam → const IconData
adduser → const IconData
aim → const IconData
alert → const IconData
alert_fill → const IconData
alibaba → const IconData
align_center → const IconData
align_left → const IconData
align_right → const IconData
alipay → const IconData
alipay_circle_fill → const IconData
alipay_square_fill → const IconData
aliwangwang → const IconData
aliwangwang_fill → const IconData
amazon → const IconData
amazon_circle_fill → const IconData
amazon_square_fill → const IconData
android → const IconData
android_fill → const IconData
ant_cloud → const IconData
antdesign → const IconData
apartment → const IconData
api → const IconData
api_fill → const IconData
apple → const IconData
apple_fill → const IconData
appstore → const IconData
appstore_fill → const IconData
appstoreadd → const IconData
areachart → const IconData
arrawsalt → const IconData
arrowdown → const IconData
arrowleft → const IconData
arrowright → const IconData
arrowup → const IconData
attachment → const IconData
audio → const IconData
audio_fill → const IconData
audiostatic → const IconData
audit → const IconData
backward → const IconData
bank → const IconData
bank_fill → const IconData
barchart → const IconData
barcode → const IconData
Batchfolding → const IconData
batchfolding_fill → const IconData
behance → const IconData
behance_circle_fill → const IconData
behance_square_fill → const IconData
bell → const IconData
bell_fill → const IconData
bg_colors → const IconData
block → const IconData
bold → const IconData
book → const IconData
book_fill → const IconData
border → const IconData
border_bottom → const IconData
border_horizontal → const IconData
border_inner → const IconData
border_left → const IconData
border_outer → const IconData
border_right → const IconData
border_top → const IconData
border_verticle → const IconData
boxplot → const IconData
boxplot_fill → const IconData
branches → const IconData
bug → const IconData
bug_fill → const IconData
build → const IconData
build_fill → const IconData
bulb → const IconData
bulb_fill → const IconData
calculator → const IconData
calculator_fill → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
calendar_check → const IconData
calendar_check_fill → const IconData
calendar_fill → const IconData
camera → const IconData
camera_fill → const IconData
car → const IconData
car_fill → const IconData
caret_down → const IconData
caret_left → const IconData
caret_right → const IconData
caret_up → const IconData
carryout → const IconData
carryout_fill → const IconData
check → const IconData
check_circle → const IconData
check_circle_fill → const IconData
check_square → const IconData
check_square_fill → const IconData
chrome → const IconData
chrome_fill → const IconData
CI → const IconData
CI_circle_fill → const IconData
clear → const IconData
close → const IconData
close_circle → const IconData
close_circle_fill → const IconData
close_square → const IconData
close_square_fill → const IconData
cloud → const IconData
cloud_download → const IconData
cloud_fill → const IconData
cloud_server → const IconData
cloud_sync → const IconData
cloud_upload → const IconData
cluster → const IconData
code → const IconData
codelibrary → const IconData
codelibrary_fill → const IconData
codepen → const IconData
codepen_circle_fill → const IconData
codepen_square_fill → const IconData
CodeSandbox → const IconData
CodeSandbox_circle_f → const IconData
CodeSandbox_square_f → const IconData
collapse → const IconData
colum_height → const IconData
column_width → const IconData
comment → const IconData
compass → const IconData
compass_fill → const IconData
compress → const IconData
Console_SQL → const IconData
contacts → const IconData
contacts_fill → const IconData
container → const IconData
container_fill → const IconData
control → const IconData
control_fill → const IconData
creditcard → const IconData
creditcard_fill → const IconData
crown → const IconData
crown_fill → const IconData
customerservice → const IconData
customerservice_fill → const IconData
dash → const IconData
dashboard → const IconData
dashboard_fill → const IconData
database → const IconData
database_fill → const IconData
delete → const IconData
delete_fill → const IconData
deletecolumn → const IconData
deleterow → const IconData
deleteteam → const IconData
deleteuser → const IconData
deploymentunit → const IconData
desktop → const IconData
detail → const IconData
detail_fill → const IconData
diff → const IconData
diff_fill → const IconData
dingtalk → const IconData
dingtalk_circle_fill → const IconData
dingtalk_square_fill → const IconData
disconnect → const IconData
Dollar → const IconData
Dollar_circle_fill → const IconData
doubleleft → const IconData
doubleright → const IconData
down → const IconData
down_circle → const IconData
down_circle_fill → const IconData
down_square → const IconData
down_square_fill → const IconData
download → const IconData
drag → const IconData
dribbble → const IconData
dribbble_circle_fill → const IconData
dribbble_square_fill → const IconData
dropbox → const IconData
dropbox_circle_fill → const IconData
dropbox_square_fill → const IconData
earth → const IconData
edit → const IconData
edit_fill → const IconData
edit_square → const IconData
ellipsis → const IconData
enter → const IconData
error → const IconData
error_fill → const IconData
EURO → const IconData
EURO_circle_fill → const IconData
exclaimination → const IconData
expand → const IconData
expend → const IconData
experiment → const IconData
experiment_fill → const IconData
export → const IconData
eye → const IconData
eye_close → const IconData
eye_fill → const IconData
eyeclose_fill → const IconData
facebook → const IconData
facebook_fill → const IconData
fall → const IconData
fast_backward → const IconData
fast_forward → const IconData
Field_Binary → const IconData
Field_number → const IconData
Field_String → const IconData
Field_time → const IconData
file → const IconData
file_add → const IconData
file_add_fill → const IconData
file_copy → const IconData
file_copy_fill → const IconData
file_excel → const IconData
file_excel_fill → const IconData
file_exception → const IconData
file_exclamation → const IconData
file_exclamation_fil → const IconData
file_fill → const IconData
file_GIF → const IconData
file_image → const IconData
file_image_fill → const IconData
file_markdown → const IconData
file_markdown_fill → const IconData
file_pdf → const IconData
file_pdf_fill → const IconData
file_ppt → const IconData
file_ppt_fill → const IconData
file_text → const IconData
file_text_fill → const IconData
file_unknown → const IconData
file_unknown_fill → const IconData
file_word → const IconData
file_word_fill → const IconData
file_zip → const IconData
file_zip_fill → const IconData
filedone → const IconData
fileprotect → const IconData
filesearch → const IconData
filesync → const IconData
filter → const IconData
filter_fill → const IconData
fire → const IconData
fire_fill → const IconData
flag → const IconData
flag_fill → const IconData
folder → const IconData
folder_add → const IconData
folder_add_fill → const IconData
folder_fill → const IconData
folder_open → const IconData
folder_open_fill → const IconData
folder_view → const IconData
font_colors → const IconData
font_size → const IconData
fork → const IconData
formatpainter → const IconData
formatpainter_fill → const IconData
forward → const IconData
frown → const IconData
frown_fill → const IconData
fullscreen → const IconData
fullscreen_exit → const IconData
Function → const IconData
fund → const IconData
fund_fill → const IconData
funnelplot → const IconData
funnelplot_fill → const IconData
gateway → const IconData
GIF → const IconData
gift → const IconData
gift_fill → const IconData
github_fill → const IconData
Gitlab → const IconData
Gitlab_fill → const IconData
gold → const IconData
golden_fill → const IconData
google → const IconData
google_circle_fill → const IconData
google_square_fill → const IconData
googleplus → const IconData
googleplus_circle_f → const IconData
googleplus_square_f → const IconData
group → const IconData
heart → const IconData
heart_fill → const IconData
heatmap → const IconData
highlight → const IconData
highlight_fill → const IconData
home → const IconData
home_fill → const IconData
hourglass → const IconData
hourglass_fill → const IconData
HTML → const IconData
HTML_fill → const IconData
icon_test → const IconData
idcard → const IconData
idcard_fill → const IconData
IE → const IconData
IE_circle_fill → const IconData
IE_square_fill → const IconData
image → const IconData
image_fill → const IconData
Import → const IconData
indent → const IconData
index → const IconData
info_circle → const IconData
info_circle_fill → const IconData
infomation → const IconData
insertrowabove → const IconData
insertrowbelow → const IconData
insertrowleft → const IconData
insertrowright → const IconData
instagram → const IconData
instagram_fill → const IconData
insurance → const IconData
insurance_fill → const IconData
interation → const IconData
interation_fill → const IconData
issuesclose → const IconData
italic → const IconData
key → const IconData
laptop → const IconData
layout → const IconData
layout_fill → const IconData
left → const IconData
left_circle → const IconData
left_circle_fill → const IconData
left_square → const IconData
left_square_fill → const IconData
like → const IconData
like_fill → const IconData
line → const IconData
line_height → const IconData
linechart → const IconData
linkedin → const IconData
linkedin_fill → const IconData
location → const IconData
location_fill → const IconData
lock → const IconData
lock_fill → const IconData
login → const IconData
logout → const IconData
mail → const IconData
mail_fill → const IconData
man → const IconData
medicinebox → const IconData
medicinebox_fill → const IconData
medium → const IconData
medium_circle_fill → const IconData
medium_square_fill → const IconData
meh → const IconData
meh_fill → const IconData
merge_cells → const IconData
message → const IconData
message_fill → const IconData
minus → const IconData
minus_circle → const IconData
minus_circle_fill → const IconData
minus_square → const IconData
minus_square_fill → const IconData
mobile → const IconData
mobile_fill → const IconData
moneycollect → const IconData
moneycollect_fill → const IconData
monitor → const IconData
mr → const IconData
notification → const IconData
notification_fill → const IconData
number → const IconData
orderedlist → const IconData
outdent → const IconData
Partition → const IconData
pause → const IconData
percentage → const IconData
phone → const IconData
phone_fill → const IconData
pic_center → const IconData
pic_left → const IconData
pic_right → const IconData
piechart → const IconData
piechart_circle_fil → const IconData
play_circle → const IconData
play_circle_fill → const IconData
play_square → const IconData
play_square_fill → const IconData
plus → const IconData
plus_circle → const IconData
plus_circle_fill → const IconData
plus_square → const IconData
plus_square_fill → const IconData
pointmap → const IconData
Pound → const IconData
Pound_circle_fill → const IconData
poweroff → const IconData
poweroff_circle_fill → const IconData
printer → const IconData
printer_fill → const IconData
project → const IconData
project_fill → const IconData
propertysafety → const IconData
propertysafety_fill → const IconData
pushpin → const IconData
pushpin_fill → const IconData
QQ → const IconData
QQ_circle_fill → const IconData
QQ_square_fill → const IconData
qrcode → const IconData
question → const IconData
question_circle → const IconData
question_circle_fill → const IconData
radarchart → const IconData
radius_bottomleft → const IconData
radius_bottomright → const IconData
radius_setting → const IconData
radius_upleft → const IconData
radius_upright → const IconData
read → const IconData
read_fill → const IconData
reconciliation → const IconData
reconciliation_fill → const IconData
reddit → const IconData
reddit_circle_fill → const IconData
reddit_square_fill → const IconData
redenvelope → const IconData
redenvelope_fill → const IconData
redo → const IconData
reload → const IconData
reloadtime → const IconData
Report → const IconData
rest → const IconData
rest_fill → const IconData
retweet → const IconData
right_circle → const IconData
right_circle_fill → const IconData
right_square → const IconData
right_square_fill → const IconData
rise → const IconData
robot → const IconData
robot_fill → const IconData
rocket → const IconData
rocket_fill → const IconData
rollback → const IconData
rotate_left → const IconData
rotate_right → const IconData
safetycertificate → const IconData
safetycertificate_f → const IconData
save → const IconData
save_fill → const IconData
scan → const IconData
scissor → const IconData
securityscan → const IconData
securityscan_fill → const IconData
select → const IconData
send → const IconData
setting → const IconData
setting_fill → const IconData
sever → const IconData
sever_fill → const IconData
shake → const IconData
share → const IconData
shop → const IconData
shop_fill → const IconData
shopping → const IconData
shopping_fill → const IconData
shortcut → const IconData
shortcut_fill → const IconData
shrink → const IconData
signal_fill → const IconData
sisternode → const IconData
sketch → const IconData
sketch_circle_fill → const IconData
sketch_square_fill → const IconData
skin → const IconData
skin_fill → const IconData
skype → const IconData
skype_fill → const IconData
slack → const IconData
slack_circle_fill → const IconData
slack_square_fill → const IconData
sliders → const IconData
sliders_fill → const IconData
small_dash → const IconData
smile → const IconData
smile_fill → const IconData
snippets → const IconData
snippets_fill → const IconData
solit_cells → const IconData
solution → const IconData
sort_ascending → const IconData
sort_descending → const IconData
sound → const IconData
sound_fill → const IconData
star → const IconData
star_fill → const IconData
step_backward → const IconData
step_forward → const IconData
stock → const IconData
stop → const IconData
stop_fill → const IconData
Storedprocedure → const IconData
strikethrough → const IconData
subnode → const IconData
swap → const IconData
swap_left → const IconData
swap_right → const IconData
switchuser → const IconData
sync → const IconData
table → const IconData
table1 → const IconData
tablet → const IconData
tablet_fill → const IconData
tag → const IconData
tag_fill → const IconData
tags → const IconData
tags_fill → const IconData
taobao → const IconData
taobao_circle_fill → const IconData
taobao_square_fill → const IconData
team → const IconData
thunderbolt → const IconData
thunderbolt_fill → const IconData
time_circle → const IconData
time_circle_fill → const IconData
timeout → const IconData
totop → const IconData
trademark → const IconData
trademark_circle_fil → const IconData
transaction → const IconData
translate → const IconData
trophy → const IconData
trophy_fill → const IconData
twitter → const IconData
twitter_circle_fill → const IconData
twitter_square_fill → const IconData
underline → const IconData
undo → const IconData
ungroup → const IconData
unlike → const IconData
unlike_fill → const IconData
unlock → const IconData
unlock_fill → const IconData
unorderedlist → const IconData
up → const IconData
up_circle → const IconData
up_circle_fill → const IconData
up_square → const IconData
up_square_fill → const IconData
upload → const IconData
USB → const IconData
USB_fill → const IconData
user → const IconData
verified → const IconData
vertical_align_botto → const IconData
vertical_align_middl → const IconData
vertical_align_top → const IconData
verticalleft → const IconData
verticalright → const IconData
video → const IconData
video_fill → const IconData
videocameraadd → const IconData
View → const IconData
wallet → const IconData
wallet_fill → const IconData
warning_circle → const IconData
warning_circle_fill → const IconData
wechat_fill → const IconData
weibo → const IconData
weibo_circle_fill → const IconData
weibo_square_fill → const IconData
whatsapp → const IconData
wifi → const IconData
windows → const IconData
windows_fill → const IconData
woman → const IconData
wrench → const IconData
wrench_fill → const IconData
yahoo → const IconData
yahoo_fill → const IconData
Youtube → const IconData
Youtube_fill → const IconData
YUAN → const IconData
YUAN_circle_fill → const IconData
yuque → const IconData
yuque_fill → const IconData
zhihu → const IconData
zhihu_circle_fill → const IconData
zhihu_square_fill → const IconData
zoomin → const IconData
zoomout → const IconData