Communities class
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setter inherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setter inherited
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
Static Methods
addFriends (UserIdList ids )
→ Future <int >
Add a friend to current user, if operation succeeds, they both became friends.
If try to add a user who is already a friend, success
callback will be called,
but user will be added to friends list only once and friends count won't be increased.
addGroupMembers (AddGroupMembersQuery query )
→ Future <List <GroupMember > >
addReaction (String reaction , String activityId )
→ Future
Add reaction to an activity.
addVotes (Set <String > pollOptionIds , String activityId )
→ Future
Add votes to an activity with poll.
areFriends (UserIdList ids )
→ Future <Map <String , bool > >
Check if users are friend of current user.
areGroupMembers (String groupId , UserIdList userIdList )
→ Future <Map <String , Membership > >
blockUsers (UserIdList ids )
→ Future
bookmark (String activityId )
→ Future
Bookmark an activity.
createGroup (GroupContent groupContent )
→ Future <Group >
findUsers (PagingQuery <UsersQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <User > >
Find users.
follow (FollowQuery query )
→ Future <int >
Follow a community entity, like topic or user.
getActivities (PagingQuery <ActivitiesQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <GetSocialActivity > >
Get activities.
getActivity (String id )
→ Future <GetSocialActivity >
Get a single activity.
getAnnouncements (AnnouncementsQuery query )
→ Future <List <GetSocialActivity > >
Get announcements.
getBlockedUsers (PagingQuery <Encodable > query )
→ Future <PagingResult <User > >
getChat (ChatId id )
→ Future <Chat >
getChatMessages (ChatMessagesPagingQuery query )
→ Future <ChatMessagesPagingResult >
getChats (PagingQuery <Encodable > query )
→ Future <PagingResult <Chat > >
getFollowers (PagingQuery <FollowersQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <User > >
Get followers of a community entity, like topic or user.
getFollowersCount (FollowersQuery query )
→ Future <int >
Get number of followers of a community entity, like topic or user.
getFriends (PagingQuery <FriendsQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <User > >
Get a list of friends of a user.
getFriendsCount (FriendsQuery query )
→ Future <int >
Return number of friends of a user.
getGroup (String groupId )
→ Future <Group >
getGroupMembers (PagingQuery <MembersQuery > query )
→ Future <PagingResult <GroupMember > >
getGroups (PagingQuery <GroupsQuery > query )
→ Future <PagingResult <Group > >
getGroupsCount (GroupsQuery query )
→ Future <int >
getLabelCount (LabelsQuery query )
→ Future <int >
Get number of labels.
getLabels (PagingQuery <LabelsQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <Label > >
Get labels matching query.
getReactions (PagingQuery <ReactionsQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <UserReactions > >
Get reactions.
getSuggestedFriends (PagingQuery <Encodable > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <SuggestedFriend > >
Get a list of suggested friends of current user.
getTags (PagingQuery <TagsQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <Tag > >
Get tags matching query.
getTagsCount (TagsQuery query )
→ Future <int >
Get number of tags.
getTopic (String id )
→ Future <Topic >
Get a single topic.
getTopics (PagingQuery <TopicsQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <Topic > >
Find topics.
getTopicsCount (TopicsQuery query )
→ Future <int >
Get number of topics.
getUsers (UserIdList ids )
→ Future <Map <String , User > >
Get multiple users by identifiers.
getUsersCount (UsersQuery query )
→ Future <int >
Return number of user matching the provided query.
getVotes (PagingQuery <VotesQuery > pagingQuery )
→ Future <PagingResult <UserVotes > >
Get votes.
isFollowing (UserId id , FollowQuery query )
→ Future <Map <String , bool > >
Check if a user follows a community entity, like topic or user.
isFriend (UserId id )
→ Future <bool >
Check if user is friend of current user.
joinGroup (JoinGroupQuery query )
→ Future <GroupMember >
postActivity (ActivityContent content , PostActivityTarget target )
→ Future <GetSocialActivity >
Post activity content to the specified target.
removeActivities (RemoveActivitiesQuery query )
→ Future
Remove activities.
removeBookmark (String activityId )
→ Future
Remove a bookmark from an activity.
removeFriends (UserIdList ids )
→ Future <int >
Remove users from friends list.
If trying to remove a user who is not a friend, success callback will be called,
and user's friends count won't be decreased.
removeGroupMembers (RemoveGroupMembersQuery query )
→ Future
removeGroups (List <String > groupIds )
→ Future
removeReaction (String reaction , String activityId )
→ Future
Remove a reaction from an activity.
removeVotes (Set <String > pollOptionIds , String activityId )
→ Future
Remove votes from an activity with poll.
reportActivity (String id , int reason , String explanation )
→ Future
Report an activity.
sendChatMessage (ChatMessageContent content , ChatId target )
→ Future <ChatMessage >
setFriends (UserIdList ids )
→ Future <int >
Set the provided users as friends of current user.
Existing friends will be removed!
setReaction (String reaction , String activityId )
→ Future
Set reaction to an activity.
setVotes (Set <String > pollOptionIds , String activityId )
→ Future
Set votes to an activity with poll.
unblockUsers (UserIdList ids )
→ Future
unfollow (FollowQuery query )
→ Future <int >
Unfollow a community entity, like topic or user.
updateActivity (String id , ActivityContent content )
→ Future <GetSocialActivity >
Update existing activity with provided content.
updateGroup (String groupId , GroupContent groupContent )
→ Future <Group >
updateGroupMembers (UpdateGroupMembersQuery query )
→ Future <List <GroupMember > >
getsocial_flutter_sdk 7.12.6