GetTile class

Available Extensions

Constructors{dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory and centered content alignment
GetTile.center500({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w500, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory, w500 title and simple centered content alignment
GetTile.dense({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = kDensePaddingY, double? bottomPadding = kDensePaddingY, double? leftPadding = kDensePaddingX, double? rightPadding = kDensePaddingX, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingDensePadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory and dense paddings
GetTile.detail({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = true, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with detail accessory
GetTile.detailExtend({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = true, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = kExtendedPaddingY, double? bottomPadding = kExtendedPaddingY, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with detail accessory and should be used if have extended content
GetTile.detailNoFill({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = false, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = true, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w500, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with detail accessory and no filled leading
GetTile.extend({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = kExtendedPaddingY, double? bottomPadding = kExtendedPaddingY, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory and should be used if have extended content
GetTile.from(GetTileData data, {dynamic leading, bool? checked, Color? background = Colors.transparent, VoidCallback? onTap, Key? key})
Tile to initialize from GetTileData
GetTile.item({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background = Colors.transparent, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = false, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = true, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory = true, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory = true, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding = 4, double? rightPadding = 4, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize = kTileRowTrailingSize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory, no background and no filled leading and have tinted accessory, and horizontal padding of 4dp.
GetTile.itemPad({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background = Colors.transparent, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = false, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = true, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory = true, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory = true, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding = kStandardPaddingX, double? rightPadding = kStandardPaddingX, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize = kTileRowTrailingSize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory, no background and no filled leading and have tinted accessory, and standard horizontal padding.
GetTile.medium({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = kMediumPaddingY, double? bottomPadding = kMediumPaddingY, double? leftPadding = kMediumPaddingX, double? rightPadding = kMediumPaddingX, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingMediumPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory and medium paddings
GetTile.noFill({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = false, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w500, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory and no filled leading
GetTile.noPad({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = 0, double? bottomPadding = 0, double? leftPadding = 0, double? rightPadding = 0, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory and centered content alignment and no paddings
GetTile.plain({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background = Colors.transparent, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = false, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = true, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = 0, double? bottomPadding = 10, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory, no background and not filled but oval leading
GetTile.profile({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background = Colors.transparent, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = false, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = true, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = 0, double? bottomPadding = 0, double? leftPadding = 0, double? rightPadding = 0, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines = 1, int? subtitleMaxLines = 1, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingDensePadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory, no background, no side paddings, and not filled but oval leading. Most compatible to show user profile data.
const{dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = true, bool leadingOval = true, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory = true, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding = kMediumPaddingX, double? rightPadding = kMediumPaddingX, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 5, double? titleSize = kTileRowFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileRowFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingMediumPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = const BoxConstraints(minHeight: 34), CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile having rich features with no accessory and top leading
GetTile.row({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background = Colors.transparent, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = false, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = true, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory = true, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = true, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = kDensePaddingY, double? bottomPadding = kDensePaddingY, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileRowFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileRowFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileRowConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment =, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile having row features with no accessory and centered leading
GetTile.rowExtend({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background = Colors.transparent, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = false, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = true, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory = true, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = kDensePaddingY, double? bottomPadding = kDensePaddingY, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileRowFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileRowFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileRowConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile having row features with no accessory and anchored leading at top
GetTile.rowRich({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = true, bool leadingOval = true, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory = true, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding = kStandardPaddingY, double? bottomPadding = kStandardPaddingY, double? leftPadding = kStandardPaddingX, double? rightPadding = kStandardPaddingX, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 5, double? titleSize = kTileRowFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileRowFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileRowConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile having row features with no accessory and top leading
GetTile.simple({dynamic leading, String? title, String? subtitle, Widget? titleChild, Widget? subtitleChild, List<Widget>? titleChildren, List<Widget>? subtitleChildren, String? titleHint, String? subtitleHint, String? trailingTop, Widget? trailingTopChild, String? trailingBottom, Widget? trailingBottomChild, String? trailingTitle, Widget? trailingTitleChild, String? trailingSubtitle, Widget? trailingSubtitleChild, TextStyle? titleStyle, TextStyle? subtitleStyle, TextStyle? trailingStyle, Widget? accessory, List<Widget>? rows, List<Widget>? belowRows, Color? color, Color? background, Color? headColor, Color? trailingColor, bool leadingFilled = true, bool leadingTinted = false, bool leadingSmall = false, bool leadingOval = false, bool detail = false, bool? padAccessory, bool? showAccessory, bool? tintAccessory, bool? tintAble, FontWeight? titleWeight = FontWeight.w600, FontWeight? subtitleWeight, bool titleSubbed = false, bool subtitleSubbed = true, bool? destructive, bool titleExpanded = false, bool subtitleExpanded = false, bool enabled = true, bool? highlighted, bool? checked, double? horizontalPadding, double? verticalPadding, double? topPadding, double? bottomPadding, double? leftPadding, double? rightPadding, double? trailingPadding, double verticalSpacing = 0, double? titleSize = kTileFontSize, double? subtitleSize = kTileFontSize, double? leadingSize, double? accessorySize, double? trailingSize = kTileRowTrailingSize, int? titleMaxLines, int? subtitleMaxLines, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingMargin = kTileRowLeadingMargin, EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = kTileRowLeadingPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry titleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, EdgeInsetsGeometry subtitleChildrenPadding = kTileRowChildrenPadding, BoxConstraints? constraints = kTileConstraints, CrossAxisAlignment alignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start, VoidCallback? onTapTitle, VoidCallback? onTapSubtitle, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onTapHead, VoidCallback? onTapLeading, Key? key})
Tile with no accessory


accessory Widget?
accessorySize double?
alignment CrossAxisAlignment
background Color?
belowRows List<Widget>?
bottomPadding double?
checked bool?
color Color?
constraints BoxConstraints?
destructive bool?
detail bool
enabled bool
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headColor Color?
highlighted bool?
horizontalPadding double?
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
leading → dynamic
leadingFilled bool
leadingMargin EdgeInsetsGeometry
leadingOval bool
leadingPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry
leadingSize double?
leadingSmall bool
leadingTinted bool
leftPadding double?
onTap VoidCallback?
onTapHead VoidCallback?
onTapLeading VoidCallback?
onTapSubtitle VoidCallback?
onTapTitle VoidCallback?
padAccessory bool?
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry?
rightPadding double?
rows List<Widget>?
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showAccessory bool?
subtitle String?
subtitleChild Widget?
subtitleChildren List<Widget>?
subtitleChildrenPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry
subtitleExpanded bool
subtitleHint String?
subtitleMaxLines int?
subtitleSize double?
subtitleStyle TextStyle?
subtitleSubbed bool
subtitleWeight FontWeight?
tintAble bool?
tintAccessory bool?
title String?
titleChild Widget?
titleChildren List<Widget>?
titleChildrenPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry
titleExpanded bool
titleHint String?
titleMaxLines int?
titleSize double?
titleStyle TextStyle?
titleSubbed bool
titleWeight FontWeight?
topPadding double?
trailingBottom String?
trailingBottomChild Widget?
trailingColor Color?
trailingPadding double?
trailingSize double?
trailingStyle TextStyle?
trailingSubtitle String?
trailingSubtitleChild Widget?
trailingTitle String?
trailingTitleChild Widget?
trailingTop String?
trailingTopChild Widget?
verticalPadding double?
verticalSpacing double


build(BuildContext context) Widget
Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
createElement() StatelessElement
Creates a StatelessElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.