registerStreamHandler<T extends Object, R> method

void registerStreamHandler<T extends Object, R>(
  1. Stream<R> select(
    1. T
  2. void handler(
    1. BuildContext context,
    2. AsyncSnapshot<R> newValue,
    3. void cancel()
    ), {
  3. R? initialValue,
  4. String? instanceName,

registers a handler for a Stream exactly once on the first build and unregisters is when the widget is destroyed. select allows you to register the handler to a member of the of the Object stored in GetIt. If the object itself if the ValueListenable pass (x)=>x here If you pass initialValue your passed handler will be executes immediately with that value As Streams can emit an error, you can register an optional errorHandler All handler get passed in a cancel function that allows to kill the registration from inside the handler.


void registerStreamHandler<T extends Object, R>(
  Stream<R> Function(T) select,
  void Function(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<R> newValue,
          void Function() cancel)
      handler, {
  R? initialValue,
  String? instanceName,
}) =>
    widget._state.value.registerStreamHandler<T, R>(select, handler,
        initialValue: initialValue, instanceName: instanceName);