Pub Package


get_it_injector is an annotation package designed to simplify and enhance the registration of classes for dependency injection using the get_it package in Dart. It provides annotations that facilitate the generation of code to register factories, singletons, and lazy singletons, allowing for streamlined dependency management.


  • Flexible Registration: Annotate your classes to easily configure whether they should be registered as factories, singletons, or lazy singletons, giving you control over how instances are managed by get_it.

  • Order of Injection: Define class name patterns to determine the order of injection, providing a priority system for injecting classes in a specific sequence.

  • Grouping: Organize injectables into groups, each with its own priority, to further customize the injection order and manage dependencies more effectively.

Read more about how to use get_it_injector in get_it_injector_gen.


License This software is released under the Apache 2.0 license.


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