en constant

Map<String, String> const en


static const en = {
      'The page [%s] already exists, do you want to overwrite it?',
  'ask_name_to_project': 'What is the name of the project?',
  'ask_company_domain': 'What is your company\'s domain?',
      'Could not set the model name automatically, which name do you want to use?',
      'package: %s already installed, do you want to update?',
      'Your lib folder is not empty. Are you sure you want to overwrite your application? \n WARNING: This action is irreversible',
  'ask_ios_lang': 'What language do you want to use on ios?',
  'ask_android_lang': 'What language do you want to use on android?',
  'ask_use_null_safe': 'Do you want to use null safe?',
  'ask_use_linter': 'Do you want to use some linter?',
  'ask_new_page_name': 'What is the new name for the page?',
  'error_failed_to_connect': 'Failed to connect with %s.',
  'error_no_valid_file_or_url': '%s is not a file or valid url.',
  'error_unnecessary_parameter': 'the %s parameter is not necessary.',
  'error_unnecessary_parameter_plural': 'the %s parameters are not necessary.',
  'error_nonexistent_directory': '%s directory does not exist.',
  'error_empty_directory': '%s is empty.',
  'error_invalid_json': '%s is not a valid json file.',
      'Special characters are not allowed in key. \n key: %s',
  'error_required_path': 'Needed to pass the file or directory path.',
  'error_invalid_dart': 'The %s is not a valid dart file.',
      'The %s is not a valid file or directory',
  'error_package_not_found': 'Package: %s not found in pub.dev.',
      'failed to find the version you have installed.',
  'error_update_cli': 'There was an error upgrading get_cli.',
  'error_folder_not_found': 'Folder %s not found.',
  'error_file_not_found': 'File not found in %s.',
  'error_access_denied': 'Access denied to %s.',
  'error_unexpected': 'Unexpected error occurred:',
      'Enter the name of the package you wanna remove.',
  'example': 'Example:',
  'warning': 'Warning:',
  'hint_create_controller': 'Generate controller',
  'hint_create_page': 'Use to generate pages',
  'hint_create_project': 'Use to generate new project',
  'hint_create_provider': 'Create a new Provider',
  'hint_create_screen': 'Generate new screen',
  'hint_create_view': 'Generate view',
  'hint_generate_locales': 'Generate translation file from json files',
  'hint_generate_model': 'generate Class model from json',
  'hint_help': 'Show this help',
  'hint_init': 'generate the chosen structure on an existing project:',
  'hint_install': 'Use to install a package in your project (dependencies):',
  'hint_remove': 'Use to remove a package in your project (dependencies):',
  'hint_sort': 'Sort imports and format dart files',
  'hint_update': 'To update GET_CLI',
  'hint_version': 'Shows the current CLI version\'',
  'info_unnecessary_flag': 'The %s is not necessary',
  'info_unnecessary_flag_prural': 'The %s are not necessary.',
      'Package: %s is not installed in this application.',
      'Latest version of get_cli already installed.',
  'info_no_file_overwritten': 'No files were overwritten.',
      'There\'s an update available! Current installed version: %s',
  'info_update_available2': 'New version available: %s Please, run:',
  'options_yes': 'Yes!',
  'options_no': 'No',
  'options_rename': 'I want to rename',
  'optional_parameters': 'Optional parameters: %s',
  'sucess_page_create': '%s page created successfully.',
  'sucess_locale_generate': 'locale files generated successfully.',
      'GetX Pattern structure successfully generated.',
      'CLEAN Pattern structure successfully generated.',
  'sucess_file_formatted': ' \'%s\' was successfully formatted',
  'sucess_package_removed': 'Package: %s removed!',
  'sucess_package_installed': '\'Package: %s installed!',
  'sucess_update_cli': 'Upgrade complete',
      'The %s has been added to binding at path: %s\'',
  'sucess_navigation_added': '%s navigation added successfully.',
  'sucess_file_created': 'File: %s created successfully at path: %s',
  'sucess_route_created': '%s route created successfully.',