map<S> method
Transforms each element of this stream into a new stream event.
Creates a new stream that converts each element of this stream
to a new value using the convert
function, and emits the result.
For each data event, o
, in this stream, the returned stream
provides a data event with the value convert(o)
If convert
throws, the returned stream reports it as an error
event instead.
Error and done events are passed through unchanged to the returned stream.
The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
The convert
function is called once per data event per listener.
If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription
will individually call convert
on each data event.
Unlike transform, this method does not treat the stream as chunks of a single value. Instead each event is converted independently of the previous and following events, which may not always be correct. For example, UTF-8 encoding, or decoding, will give wrong results if a surrogate pair, or a multibyte UTF-8 encoding, is split into separate events, and those events are attempted encoded or decoded independently.
final stream =
Stream<int>.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (count) => count)
final calculationStream =<String>((event) => 'Square: ${event * event}');
// Square: 0
// Square: 1
// Square: 4
// Square: 9
// Square: 16
Stream<S> map<S>(S Function(List<int> event) convert) {