HttpStatus class
- code)
- code → int?
- connectionError → bool
no setter
- hasError → bool
no setter
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- isForbidden → bool
no setter
- isNotFound → bool
no setter
- isOk → bool
no setter
- isServerError → bool
no setter
no setter
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
int begin, int end) → bool -
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- accepted → const int
- alreadyReported → const int
- badGateway → const int
- badRequest → const int
- clientClosedRequest → const int
- conflict → const int
- connectionClosedWithoutResponse → const int
- continue_ → const int
- created → const int
- earlyHints → const int
- expectationFailed → const int
- failedDependency → const int
- forbidden → const int
- found → const int
- gatewayTimeout → const int
- gone → const int
- httpVersionNotSupported → const int
- imATeapot → const int
- imUsed → const int
- insufficientStorage → const int
- internalServerError → const int
- lengthRequired → const int
- locked → const int
- loopDetected → const int
- methodNotAllowed → const int
- misdirectedRequest → const int
- movedPermanently → const int
- movedTemporarily → const int
- multipleChoices → const int
- multiStatus → const int
- networkAuthenticationRequired → const int
- networkConnectTimeoutError → const int
- noContent → const int
- nonAuthoritativeInformation → const int
- notAcceptable → const int
- notExtended → const int
- notFound → const int
- notImplemented → const int
- notModified → const int
- ok → const int
- partialContent → const int
- paymentRequired → const int
- permanentRedirect → const int
- preconditionFailed → const int
- preconditionRequired → const int
- processing → const int
- proxyAuthenticationRequired → const int
- requestedRangeNotSatisfiable → const int
- requestEntityTooLarge → const int
- requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge → const int
- requestTimeout → const int
- requestUriTooLong → const int
- resetContent → const int
- seeOther → const int
- switchingProtocols → const int
- switchProxy → const int
- temporaryRedirect → const int
- tooEarly → const int
- tooManyRequests → const int
- unprocessableEntity → const int
- unsupportedMediaType → const int
- upgradeRequired → const int
- useProxy → const int
- variantAlsoNegotiates → const int