notBlank static method

String notBlank(
  1. String value, [
  2. String message = DEFAULT_NOT_BLANK_EX_MESSAGE

Validate that the specified string is neither [null], a length of zero (no characters), empty nor whitespace; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.

Validate.notBlank(myString, "The string must not be blank");

value the string to check, validated not null by this method message the exception message if invalid, not null Returns the validated string Throws ArgumentError if the character sequence is null Throws ArgumentError if the character sequence is blank


static String notBlank(final String value,
    [String message = DEFAULT_NOT_BLANK_EX_MESSAGE]) {
  GValidate.notNull(value, message);
  if ((value is String) == false || value.trim().isEmpty) {
    throw new ArgumentError(message);
  return value;