metersTo method

double metersTo(
  1. T location

Measures the distance between this instance and the provided location

Returns: The distance between the two coordinates in meters as a double

Note: This is a primitive Haversine implementation. For more accuracy or advanced options, consider using latlong2 or adopting the code from it's GitHub source dart-latlong


double metersTo(T location) {
  var l1LatRad = _deg2rad(latitude);
  var l1LonRad = _deg2rad(longitude);
  var l2LatRad = _deg2rad(location.latitude);
  var l2LonRad = _deg2rad(location.longitude);
  final sinDLat = math.sin((l2LatRad - l1LatRad) / 2);
  final sinDLng = math.sin((l2LonRad - l1LonRad) / 2);
  final a = sinDLat * sinDLat +
      sinDLng * sinDLng * math.cos(l1LatRad) * math.cos(l2LatRad);
  final c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a));

  return _kEquatorRadius * c;