MethodChannelGeofencingFlutterPlugin class

An implementation of GeofencingFlutterPluginPlatform that uses method channels.



hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
methodChannel MethodChannel
The method channel used to interact with the native platform.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addRegion(GeofenceRegion geofenceRegion) Future<String?>
The function addRegion takes a GeofenceRegion object, converts it to a JSON map, and invokes a method on a channel with the arguments, returning the result as a Future<String?>. @param {GeofenceRegion} geofenceRegion - The geofenceRegion parameter is an instance of the GeofenceRegion class. It represents a geographical region for which you want to add a geofence. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
clearLocationWatch() Future<String?>
The function clears the location watch and returns a string value. @returns The method is returning a Future<String?>.
clearRegionWatch() Future<String?>
The function clears the region watch and returns a string value. @returns The method is returning a Future<String?>.
getBLEPermissionsStatus() Future<String?>
The function getBLEPermissionsStatus returns the status of permissions by invoking a method on a method channel. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
getIndoorBeacons(String? venueID, String? ref) Future<List<IndoorBeacon>?>
The function getIndoorBeacons returns a Future that retrieves a list of IndoorBeacon objects inside an indoor venue using the GeofencingFlutterPluginPlatform. @param {String} venueID - The optional venueID parameter is a String that represents the ID of an indoor venue for which the beacons will be fetched. @param {String} ref - The optional ref parameter is a String that represents the identifier of the beacon which needs to be fetched. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a List of IndoorBeacon objects for the given venue or the given ref or both.
getLocations([String? locationId]) Future<List<Location>?>
The function getLocations retrieves a list of locations from a method channel and converts the JSON response into a list of Location objects. @param {String} locationId - The locationId parameter is an optional parameter of type String. It is used to specify a specific location ID for retrieving locations. If no locationId is provided, all locations will be retrieved. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a List of Location objects.
getPermissionsStatus() Future<String?>
The function getPermissionsStatus returns the status of permissions by invoking a method on a method channel. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
getPlatformVersion() Future<String?>
The function getPlatformVersion returns the platform version as a String using the methodChannel in Dart. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null value.
getPois([String? poiID]) Future<List<Poi>?>
The function getPois retrieves a list of Poi objects from a method channel in Dart. @param {String} poiID - The poiID parameter is an optional string that represents the ID of a specific point of interest (POI). If a poiID is provided, the method will retrieve the POI with that specific ID. If no poiID is provided, the method will retrieve all available @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a List of Poi objects.
getRegions([String? regionId]) Future<List<Region>?>
The function getRegions retrieves a list of regions from a method channel and converts the JSON response into a list of Region objects. @param {String} regionId - The regionId parameter is an optional parameter of type String. It is used to specify a specific region ID for which you want to retrieve the regions. If regionId is not provided, the method will retrieve all regions. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a List of Region objects.
getWatchLocationStream() Stream<Location>?
The function returns a stream of location updates by listening to a broadcast stream and converting the received data into Location objects. @returns The method is returning a Stream of Location objects.
getWatchRegionStream() Stream<Region>?
The function returns a stream of Region objects received from a broadcast stream. @returns The method is returning a Stream of Region objects.
initialize([dynamic args]) Future<String?>
The function initializes a method channel and invokes a method with arguments, returning a future string. @param args - The "args" parameter is an optional argument that can be passed to the "initialize" method. It can be of any type, depending on the requirements of the method. @returns The method is returning a Future<String?>.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refreshPois() Future<String?>
The function refreshPois is an asynchronous method that invokes a method channel to refresh points of interest (POIs) and returns a String value. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
removeIndoorBeacons() Future<String?>
The function removeIndoorPois is an asynchronous method that invokes a method channel to remove indoor points of interest (POIs) and returns a String value. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
removeLocations() Future<String?>
The function removeLocations is an asynchronous method that invokes a method on a method channel and returns a Future of type String or null. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
removePois() Future<String?>
The function removePois is an asynchronous method that invokes a method channel to remove points of interest (POIs) and returns a String value. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
removeRegions([String? regionId]) Future<String?>
The function removeRegions is an asynchronous method that removes regions based on the provided regionId and returns a Future of type String. @param {String} regionId - The regionId parameter is an optional string that represents the ID of a region. It is used to specify which region should be removed. If no regionId is provided, all regions will be removed. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String value or null.
requestBLEPermissions() Future<String?>
The function requestBLEPermissions in Dart is used to request BLE permissions and returns a Future that resolves to a String. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
requestPermissions([dynamic background]) Future<String?>
The function requestPermissions in Dart is used to request permissions and returns a Future that resolves to a String. @param background - The background parameter is an optional boolean parameter that indicates whether the permissions should be requested in the background or not. If background is not provided, it defaults to false. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
setPoiRadius(String radius) Future<String?>
The function sets the radius for points of interest (POI) and returns a Future with the result. @param {String} radius - The radius parameter is a string that represents the radius value for a point of interest (POI). It is used to set the radius of the POI in the method setPoiRadius. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
setSFMCCredentials(Map<String, String> credentials) Future<String?>
The function setSFMCCredentials sets the SFMC credentials using the provided map of credentials. @param {Map<String, String>} credentials - The credentials parameter is a Map object that contains key-value pairs of SFMC credentials. The keys represent the credential names (e.g., "clientId", "clientSecret", "accessToken"), and the values represent the corresponding credential values. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
setWoosmapApiKey(dynamic apiKey) Future<String?>
The function sets the Woosmap API key and returns a future string. @param apiKey - The apiKey parameter is a string that represents the Woosmap API key. It is used to authenticate and authorize your application to access the Woosmap services. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null value.
startCustomTracking(ProfileSource sourceType, String source) Future<String?>
The function startCustomTracking takes a ProfileSource and a source as arguments, converts them into a map of arguments, invokes a method called startCustomTracking using a method channel, and returns the result as a Future<String?>. @param {ProfileSource} sourceType - The sourceType parameter is of type ProfileSource and represents the type of the profile source. It could be an enum value or a string that indicates the source type. @param {String} source - The source parameter is a string that represents the source of the tracking. It could be a URL, a file path, or any other identifier that helps identify the source of the tracking data. @returns The method startCustomTracking returns a Future of type String?.
startTracking(dynamic trackingProfile) Future<String?>
The function startTracking invokes a method on a method channel and returns a Future that resolves to a String or null. @param trackingProfile - The trackingProfile parameter is the profile or configuration that you want to use for tracking. It could be an object or a string that contains the necessary information for starting the tracking process. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a String or null.
stopTracking() Future<String?>
The function stopTracking invokes a method called 'stopTracking' using a method channel and returns the result as a Future of type String. @returns The method is returning a Future<String?>.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
watchLocation() Future<String?>
The function watchLocation checks if a location stream is already added and returns the location if available, otherwise throws an error. @returns The method watchLocation() returns a Future<String?>.
watchRegion() Future<String?>
The function watchRegion checks if a region stream is already added and returns the value if not, otherwise throws an error. @returns The method is returning a Future<String?>.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.