getIndoorBeacons method

  1. @override
Future<List<IndoorBeacon>?> getIndoorBeacons(
  1. String? venueID,
  2. String? ref

The function getIndoorBeacons returns a Future that retrieves a list of IndoorBeacon objects inside an indoor venue using the GeofencingFlutterPluginPlatform. @param {String} venueID - The optional venueID parameter is a String that represents the ID of an indoor venue for which the beacons will be fetched. @param {String} ref - The optional ref parameter is a String that represents the identifier of the beacon which needs to be fetched. @returns The method is returning a Future object that resolves to a List of IndoorBeacon objects for the given venue or the given ref or both.


Future<List<IndoorBeacon>?> getIndoorBeacons(
    String? venueID, String? ref) async {
  final returnVal =
      await methodChannel.invokeMethod<String>('getIndoorBeacons', venueID);
  List<IndoorBeacon>? indoorBeacons;
  if (returnVal != null) {
    indoorBeacons = (jsonDecode(returnVal) as List)
        .map((i) => IndoorBeacon.jsonToObj(i))

    if (ref != null) {
      List<IndoorBeacon> filteredList = [];
      for (IndoorBeacon indoorBeacon in indoorBeacons) {
        if (indoorBeacon.identifier == ref) {
      return filteredList;
  return indoorBeacons;