geofencing_flutter_plugin library


The GeofenceRegion class represents a region for geofencing purposes.
The GeofencingFlutterPlugin class is a Dart class that provides methods for interacting with the geofencing functionality in the Flutter plugin. It includes methods for initializing the plugin, setting the Woosmap API key, requesting and checking permissions, starting and stopping tracking, watching location and region updates, setting SFMC credentials, starting custom tracking, adding and removing geofence regions, setting the POI radius, and getting and removing locations and POIs.
The class Location is defining a data model for a location. It has properties such as date, latitude, locationDescription, locationId, and longitude. It also has a constructor that takes in values for these properties and assigns them. Additionally, it has a static method jsonToObj that takes in a JSON object and returns an instance of the Location class with the values extracted from the JSON object.
The class Poi is a Dart class that represents a Point of Interest (POI). It has various properties such as jsonData, city, idstore, name, date, distance, duration, latitude, locationid, longitude, zipcode, radius, address, countrycode, tags, types, and contact.
The class Region is a Dart class that represents a region. It has properties such as date, didEnter, identifier, latitude, longitude, radius, fromPositionDetection, eventName, and spentTime. It also has a constructor that initializes these properties, and a static method jsonToObj that converts a JSON object to an instance of the Region class.


The enum ProfileSource is defining a set of possible values for the source of a profile. It has two values: local and external. This enum can be used to represent the source of a profile in an application.
The enum RegionType is defining a set of possible values for the type of a region. It has two values: circle and isochrone. This enum can be used to represent the type of a region in an application.