getRectangleBounds static method

List<LatLng> getRectangleBounds(
  1. List<LatLng> polygonCoords

Calculates the bounding rectangle (four corner points) that encloses a list of LatLng coordinates.

polygonCoords - A list of LatLng coordinates to calculate the bounding rectangle for.

Returns a list of LatLng points representing the corners of the bounding rectangle, ordered in the following sequence:

  1. Bottom-left corner
  2. Bottom-right corner
  3. Top-right corner
  4. Top-left corner

The bounding rectangle encompasses all the points provided in the input list.


static List<LatLng> getRectangleBounds(List<LatLng> polygonCoords) {
  num minLatitude = double.infinity.toDouble();
  num maxLatitude = double.negativeInfinity.toDouble();
  num minLongitude = double.infinity.toDouble();
  num maxLongitude = double.negativeInfinity.toDouble();

  for (LatLng coord in polygonCoords) {
    if (coord.latitude < minLatitude) {
      minLatitude = coord.latitude;
    if (coord.latitude > maxLatitude) {
      maxLatitude = coord.latitude;
    if (coord.longitude < minLongitude) {
      minLongitude = coord.longitude;
    if (coord.longitude > maxLongitude) {
      maxLongitude = coord.longitude;

  List<LatLng> rectangleBounds = [
    LatLng(minLatitude.toDouble(), minLongitude.toDouble()),
    LatLng(minLatitude.toDouble(), maxLongitude.toDouble()),
    LatLng(maxLatitude.toDouble(), maxLongitude.toDouble()),
    LatLng(maxLatitude.toDouble(), minLongitude.toDouble()),

  return rectangleBounds;