calculatePolygonArea static method

double calculatePolygonArea(
  1. List<LatLng> polygonPoints

Calculates the area of a polygon defined by a list of LatLng points.

The function checks if the number of points is less than 3, in which case it returns 0 because a polygon must have at least 3 points to form an area. It then iterates through the points and uses the Shoelace formula to calculate the signed area of the polygon. The result is the absolute value of the calculated area, divided by 2, which gives the final area in square meters.

polygonPoints - A list of LatLng points representing the vertices of the polygon.

Returns the area of the polygon in square meters.


static double calculatePolygonArea(List<LatLng> polygonPoints) {
  if (polygonPoints.length < 3) {
    // A polygon must have at least 3 points to form an area.
    return 0.0;

  double area = 0.0;

  for (int i = 0; i < polygonPoints.length; i++) {
    final LatLng currentPoint = polygonPoints[i];
    final LatLng nextPoint = polygonPoints[(i + 1) % polygonPoints.length];

    area += (currentPoint.latitude + nextPoint.latitude) *
        (currentPoint.longitude - nextPoint.longitude);

  area = area.abs() / 2.0;
  return area;