pointInRange static method

List<LatLng> pointInRange(
  1. LatLng point,
  2. List<LatLng> pointsToCheck,
  3. num distance

Get a list of LatLng points within a specified distance from a given point.

This function takes a central point, a list of points to check, and a distance (in meters) to determine which points from the list fall within the specified range.

point - The central LatLng point from which the distance is measured.

pointsToCheck - A list of LatLng points to be checked for proximity to the central point.

distance - The maximum distance (in meters) within which points are considered to be within range of the central point.

Returns a list of LatLng points that are within the specified distance from the central point.


static List<LatLng> pointInRange(
    LatLng point, List<LatLng> pointsToCheck, num distance) {
  final geoFencedPoints = <LatLng>[];

  for (final LatLng p in pointsToCheck) {
    if (GeoPoints.distanceBetweenTwoGeoPoints(point, p) <= distance) {

  return geoFencedPoints;