calculateMidpoint static method

LatLng calculateMidpoint(
  1. LatLng point1,
  2. LatLng point2

Calculates the midpoint between two points on the Earth's surface specified by their latitude and longitude coordinates.

point1 - The first LatLng point.

point2 - The second LatLng point.

Returns a LatLng object representing the midpoint between the two input points.


static LatLng calculateMidpoint(LatLng point1, LatLng point2) {
  double lat1 = point1.latitude * (pi / 180.0); // Convert degrees to radians
  double lon1 = point1.longitude * (pi / 180.0);
  double lat2 = point2.latitude * (pi / 180.0);
  double lon2 = point2.longitude * (pi / 180.0);

  double midLat = (lat1 + lat2) / 2;
  double midLon = (lon1 + lon2) / 2;

  // Normalize longitude to the range of -π to π radians
  midLon = (midLon + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi;

  // Convert radians back to degrees
  return LatLng(midLat * (180.0 / pi), midLon * (180.0 / pi));