calculateGeodesicLineIntersection method

LatLng? calculateGeodesicLineIntersection(
  1. LatLng start1,
  2. LatLng end1,
  3. LatLng start2,
  4. LatLng end2,

Calculate the intersection points of two geodesic lines defined by start and end points.

Given four geographic points start1, end1, start2, and end2 representing the start and end points of two geodesic lines, this function calculates and returns the intersection point of these two lines as a LatLng object. If no intersection is found, it returns null.


LatLng? calculateGeodesicLineIntersection(
    LatLng start1, LatLng end1, LatLng start2, LatLng end2) {
  return GeodesicLines.calculateGeodesicLineIntersection(
      start1, end1, start2, end2);