calculateGeodesicLineIntersection static method

LatLng? calculateGeodesicLineIntersection(
  1. LatLng start1,
  2. LatLng end1,
  3. LatLng start2,
  4. LatLng end2,

Calculates the intersection point of two geodesic lines defined by their starting and ending points.

start1 - The LatLng coordinates of the starting point of the first line.

end1 - The LatLng coordinates of the ending point of the first line.

start2 - The LatLng coordinates of the starting point of the second line.

end2 - The LatLng coordinates of the ending point of the second line.

Returns the intersection point as a LatLng object, or null if no intersection is found.


static LatLng? calculateGeodesicLineIntersection(
    LatLng start1, LatLng end1, LatLng start2, LatLng end2) {
  const double earthRadius = 6371000; // Earth's radius in meters

  final Distance distance = const Distance();
  final num bearing13 = initialBearing(start1, end1);
  final num bearing23 = initialBearing(start2, end2);
  final num lat1 = (start1.latitude).toRadians();
  final num lon1 = (start1.longitude).toRadians();
  final num lat2 = (start2.latitude).toRadians();
  final num lon2 = (start2.longitude).toRadians();
  final num lat3 = (end2.latitude).toRadians();

  final num dLon = lon2 - lon1;

  final num dist12 = distance(start1, start2);
  if (dist12 == 0) {
    return null; // The two starting points are the same.

  final num alpha1 = bearing13;
  final num alpha2 = bearing23;
  final num alpha3 = acos(cos(dist12 / earthRadius) /
      (cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(alpha1) * sin(alpha2) * sin(dLon)));
  final num dist13 = earthRadius * alpha3;
  final num bearingA = asin(sin(alpha1) * sin(dist13 / earthRadius));
  final num bearingB = asin(sin(alpha2) * sin(dist13 / earthRadius));

  final num alpha4 = acos(-cos(dist13 / earthRadius) /
      (cos(lat1) * cos(lat3) * sin(bearingA) * sin(bearingB)));
  final num dist14 = earthRadius * alpha4;

  if (dist14.isNaN) {
    return null; // No intersection found.

  final num lat4 = atan2(
      sin(lat1) * cos(dist14 / earthRadius) * sin(bearingA),
      cos(lat1) * sin(dist14 / earthRadius) * sin(bearingA) * cos(bearing13) -
          sin(lat1) *
              cos(dist14 / earthRadius) *
              cos(bearingA) *
              sin(bearing13) +
          cos(lat1) *
              cos(dist14 / earthRadius) *
              cos(bearingA) *

  final num lon4 = lon1 +
          sin(bearing13) * sin(dist14 / earthRadius) * sin(bearingA),
          cos(dist14 / earthRadius) -
              sin(lat1) * sin(lat4) -
              cos(lat1) * cos(lat4) * cos(bearingA));
  return LatLng((lat4).toDegrees(), (lon4).toDegrees());