calculateDestinationPoint static method

LatLng calculateDestinationPoint(
  1. LatLng initialPoint,
  2. double bearingDegrees,
  3. double distanceKm

Calculates the destination point on the Earth's surface given an initial point (latitude and longitude), a bearing (azimuth) in degrees, and a distance in kilometers. This formula provides an approximate destination point when traveling along a constant compass direction.

initialPoint - The initial LatLng point representing the starting location.

bearingDegrees - The bearing or azimuth angle in degrees, indicating the compass direction from the initial point.

distanceKm - The distance in kilometers to travel along the constant bearing direction from the initial point to the destination point.

Returns a new LatLng object representing the destination point's latitude and longitude coordinates.


static LatLng calculateDestinationPoint(
    LatLng initialPoint, double bearingDegrees, double distanceKm) {
  final double radius = 6371.0; // Earth's radius in kilometers
  final double bearing = bearingDegrees * pi / 180.0;

  double lat1 = initialPoint.latitude * pi / 180.0;
  double lon1 = initialPoint.longitude * pi / 180.0;

  double lat2 = lat1 + (distanceKm / radius) * cos(bearing);
  double lon2 = lon1 + (distanceKm / radius) * sin(bearing) / cos(lat1);

  double destinationLatitude = lat2 * 180.0 / pi;
  double destinationLongitude = lon2 * 180.0 / pi;

  return LatLng(destinationLatitude, destinationLongitude);