buffer method
Returns a buffer Polygon of distance
around the Point. The default unit
is DistanceUnit.meters
. The default steps
is 40.
Point(Coordinate(1, 1)).buffer(13, {unit: Distance.feet}); // Polygon([Coordinate, ...])
Polygon buffer(double distance, {DistanceUnit? unit, int steps = 40}) {
// Calculate the buffer in the given unit (e.g., meters or feet)
final double bufferRadiusMeters = convertDistance(
distance, unit ?? DistanceUnits.meters, DistanceUnits.meters);
// Create a circle as a buffer polygon
final List<Coordinate> vertices = [];
for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
final double angle = 2 * math.pi * i / steps;
final double x =
coordinate.longitude + bufferRadiusMeters * math.cos(angle);
final double y =
coordinate.latitude + bufferRadiusMeters * math.sin(angle);
vertices.add(Coordinate(x, y));
// Close the circle
return LineString(vertices).toPolygon();