centroid property

Point get centroid

Returns the LinearRing's centroid. The centroid is the Point that is the center of the LinearRing. Example:

LinearRing ring = LinearRing([
  Coordinate(0, 0),
  Coordinate(0, 1),
  Coordinate(1, 1),
  Coordinate(1, 0),
  Coordinate(0, 0),
print(ring.centroid); // Point(Coordinate(0.5, 0.5))


Point get centroid {
  double lat = 0;
  double long = 0;

  // Don't want the closing coordinate to count twice
  for (var point in coordinates.sublist(0, coordinates.length - 2)) {
    lat += point.latitude;
    long += point.longitude;

  lat /= (coordinates.length - 1);
  long /= (coordinates.length - 1);

  return Point.fromLatLong(lat, long);