pointAt method

Point pointAt(
  1. double percentage

Returns the Point at the percentage along the LineString. If the percentage is greater than 1, the last Point in the LineString will be returned. If the percentage is less than 0, the first Point in the LineString will be returned. If the percentage is 0, the first Point in the LineString will be returned. If the percentage is 1, the last Point in the LineString will be returned.


LineString([Coordinate(1, 2), Coordinate(3, 4)]).pointAt(0.5); // Point(Coordinate(2, 3))


Point pointAt(double percentage) {
  if (percentage <= 0) {
    return Point(coordinates.first);
  } else if (percentage >= 1) {
    return Point(coordinates.last);
  } else if (coordinates.length < 2) {
    return Point(coordinates.first);

  return along(length * percentage);