contains method
Returns true if the Point is on the line
LineString([Coordinate(1, 2), Coordinate(3, 4)]).contains(Point(Coordinate(2, 3))); // true
LineString([Coordinate(1, 2), Coordinate(3, 4)]).contains(Point(Coordinate(2, 4))); // false
bool contains(Point point) {
if (slope == null) {
// If the line is vertical, check if the x-coordinate of the point is equal to the x-coordinate
return point.coordinate.x == coordinates.first.x &&
point.coordinate.y >= coordinates.first.y &&
point.coordinate.y <= coordinates.last.y;
} else {
// Calculate the y-intercept of the line
final double yIntercept =
coordinates.first.y - (slope! * coordinates.first.x);
// Check if the point is on the line by plugging the x-coordinate of the point
// into the equation of the line and checking if the result is equal to the y-coordinate
// of the point
final bool isOnLine =
(slope! * point.coordinate.x + yIntercept) == point.coordinate.y;
return isOnLine;