bearing property

double get bearing

Returns the bearing of the LineString in degrees. The bearing is the angle measured in degrees clockwise from true north between the first and last coordinate of the LineString. If the LineString has less than 2 coordinates, 0 will be returned. The bearing will always be between 0 and 360. The bearing will be 0 if the LineString is a closed ring.


LineString([Coordinate(1, 2), Coordinate(3, 4)]).bearing; // 45.0
LineString([Coordinate(1, 2), Coordinate(3, 4), Coordinate(1, 4), Coordinate(1, 2)]).bearing; // 0.0
LineString([Coordinate(1, 2), Coordinate(3, 4), Coordinate(1, 4)]).bearing; // 90.0


double get bearing {
  return coordinates.length == 2
      ? coordinates.first.bearingTo(coordinates.last)
      : 0.0;