convexHull property

Polygon get convexHull

Returns the convex hull of the FeatureCollection, which is the smallest convex Polygon that contains all the Points in the FeatureCollection.


  Point(Coordinate(1, 2)),
  Point(Coordinate(5, 6))
]).convexHull; // Throws error

  Point(Coordinate(1, 2)),
  Polygon([LinearRing([Coordinate(3, 4), Coordinate(5, 6), Coordinate(7, 8), Coordinate(3, 4)])])
]).convexHull; // Polygon([LinearRing([Coordinate(1, 2), Coordinate(3, 4), Coordinate(5, 6), Coordinate(7, 8), Coordinate(1, 2)])])


Polygon get convexHull {
  int orientation(Coordinate p, Coordinate q, Coordinate r) {
    double val = (q.y - p.y) * (r.x - q.x) - (q.x - p.x) * (r.y - q.y);
    if (val == 0) return 0; // Collinear
    return (val > 0) ? 1 : 2; // Clockwise or counterclockwise

  List<Coordinate> points = (explode().features as List<Point>)
      .map((Point point) => point.coordinate)
  if (points.length < 3) {
    throw ArgumentError('Need at least 3 points to make a convex hull');

  List<Coordinate> hull = [];

  // Find the point with the lowest y-coordinate (and leftmost if tied)
  int minY = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
    if (points[i].y < points[minY].y ||
        (points[i].y == points[minY].y && points[i].x < points[minY].x)) {
      minY = i;

  // Swap the lowest point with the first point
  Coordinate temp = points[0];
  points[0] = points[minY];
  points[minY] = temp;

  // Sort the remaining points based on the polar angle
  Coordinate pivot = points[0];
  points.sublist(1).sort((Coordinate a, Coordinate b) {
    double angleA = atan2(a.y - pivot.y, a.x - pivot.x);
    double angleB = atan2(b.y - pivot.y, b.x - pivot.x);
    if (angleA < angleB) return -1;
    if (angleA > angleB) return 1;
    double distA =
        (a.x - pivot.x) * (a.x - pivot.x) + (a.y - pivot.y) * (a.y - pivot.y);
    double distB =
        (b.x - pivot.x) * (b.x - pivot.x) + (b.y - pivot.y) * (b.y - pivot.y);
    if (distA < distB) return -1;
    return 1;


  for (int i = 2; i < points.length; i++) {
    while (hull.length > 1 &&
                hull[hull.length - 2], hull[hull.length - 1], points[i]) !=
            1) {

  return Polygon([LinearRing(hull)]);