interpolate method
Returns the Coordinate at a certain fraction of the distance between the Coordinate and different Coordinate, to
Uses the Haversine formula to calculate the new coordinate.
The fraction
is a number between 0 and 1.
If the fraction
is 0, the Coordinate will be the same as the Coordinate.
If the fraction
is 1, the Coordinate will be the same as the to
Coordinate(1, 2).interpolate(Coordinate(3, 4), 0.5); // Coordinate(2, 3)
Coordinate interpolate(Coordinate to, double fraction) {
final lat1 = latitude * (pi / 180);
final lon1 = longitude * (pi / 180);
final lat2 = to.latitude * (pi / 180);
final lon2 = to.longitude * (pi / 180);
final dLon = lon2 - lon1;
final bx = cos(lat2) * cos(dLon);
final by = cos(lat2) * sin(dLon);
final lat3 = atan2(sin(lat1) + sin(lat2),
sqrt((cos(lat1) + bx) * (cos(lat1) + bx) + by * by));
final lon3 = lon1 + atan2(by, cos(lat1) + bx);
return Coordinate(lat3 * (180 / pi), lon3 * (180 / pi));