parserGeographic<T extends GeoPoint> method

GeoJsonFactory<T> parserGeographic<T extends GeoPoint>(
  1. PointFactory<T> point, {
  2. CreateBounds<T>? bounds,
  3. CreateFeature? feature,

A GeoJSON factory using point factory to create geographic points of T.

Use parserProjected instead of this if points created should be projected or cartesian coordinates, or parser if points can be anything.

Use bounds to specify a factory for Bounds objects.

Use feature to define a factory for Feature objects.


GeoJsonFactory<T> parserGeographic<T extends GeoPoint>(
  PointFactory<T> point, {
  CreateBounds<T>? bounds,
  CreateFeature? feature,
}) =>
      pointFactory: point,
      boundsFactory: bounds ?? GeoBounds.fromCoords,
      featureFactory: feature,