featureCount method

  1. @override
int featureCount(
  1. dynamic data, {
  2. Range? range,

Count number of features on a collection parsed from a data object.

An optional range specificies start offset and optional limit count specifying a feature range to be counted on a collection.

Throws FormatException if parsing fails.


int featureCount(dynamic data, {Range? range}) {
  final json = _ensureDecodedMap(data);
  final List<dynamic> list;
  if (json['type'] == 'Feature') {
    list = <dynamic>[json];
  } else {
    if (json['type'] != 'FeatureCollection') {
      throw const FormatException('Not valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection.');
    list = json['features'] as List;
  return _listByRange(list).length;