geoJsonProjected<T extends ProjectedPoint<num>> function

  1. @Deprecated('Use GeoJSON().parserProjected() instead.')
GeoJsonFactory<T> geoJsonProjected<T extends ProjectedPoint<num>>(
  1. PointFactory<T> point, {
  2. CreateBounds<T>? bounds,
  3. CreateFeature? feature,

A GeoJSON factory using point factory to create cartesian points of T.

Use bounds to specify a factory for Bounds objects.

Use feature to define a factory for Feature objects.


@Deprecated('Use GeoJSON().parserProjected() instead.')
GeoJsonFactory<T> geoJsonProjected<T extends ProjectedPoint>(
  PointFactory<T> point, {
  CreateBounds<T>? bounds,
  CreateFeature? feature,
}) =>
      pointFactory: point,
      boundsFactory: bounds ?? Bounds.fromCoords,
      featureFactory: feature,