position abstract method

void position(
  1. Position coordinates

Writes a single position represented by coordinates of Position.

Known Position sub classes are Projected (projected or cartesian coordinates) and Geographic (geographic coordinates). Other sub classes are supported too.

An example with 2D coordinates:

   // a position with projected coordinates
   content.position(const Projected(x: 10, y: 20));

An example with 3D coordinates:

   // a position with geographic coordinates
   content.position(const Geographic(lon: 10, lat: 20, elev: 30));

An example with 2D coordinates with measurement:

   // a position with projected coordinates
   content.position(const Projected(x: 10, y: 20, m: 40));

An example with 3D coordinates with measurement:

   // a position with projected coordinates
   content.position(const Projected(x: 10, y: 20, z: 30, m: 40));


void position(Position coordinates);