LineString<T extends Point<num>>.parse constructor

LineString<T extends Point<num>>.parse(
  1. String text,
  2. PointFactory<T> pointFactory, {
  3. LineStringType type = LineStringType.any,
  4. ParseCoordsList? parser,

Create LineString parsed from text with a chain of points.

If parser is null, then WKT text like "25.1 53.1, 25.2 53.2" is expected.

Throws FormatException if cannot parse.


factory LineString.parse(
  String text,
  PointFactory<T> pointFactory, {
  LineStringType type = LineStringType.any,
  ParseCoordsList? parser,
}) =>
    parser != null
        ? LineString<T>.make(, pointFactory, type: type)
        : parseWktLineString<T>(text, pointFactory, type: type);