Offline Geocoder

Dart library for super-fast offline reverse geocoding. Package use k-d tree for a search of the nearest location in a given file. One when Geocoder is initialized, search for location is super-fast, about 4-5 milliseconds. This fork adds functionality to save the kdtree as json and load it again. This makes initializing the geocode data much quicker.


For using the reverse geocoding library you need to provide а file with data about places among you want to run reverse geocoding. In examples you can see how to use а library with two example files:

  1. GeoNames data file with all world cities with a population above 15 000
  2. USGS data file with USA cities with a population above 5000.

Library allows you to use any other file who has at least data about name, latitude, and longitude of places you want to search.



import 'package:geocoder_offline/geocoder_offline.dart';


var geocoder = GeocodeData(
    File('/example/NationalFedCodes_20191101.csv').readAsStringSync(), //input string
    'FEATURE_NAME', // place name header
    'STATE_ALPHA', // state/countery header
    'PRIMARY_LATITUDE', // latitute header
    'PRIMARY_LONGITUDE', // longitude header
    fieldDelimiter: ',', // fields delimiter
    eol: '\n');

Reverse geocoding

List<LocationResult> result =, -87.623177);

Features and bugs

If you any problem using library or you have any new needs, please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

