vector_data library

Data structures for geometries, geometry collections, features and feature collections.

Key features:

  • simple geometries (point, line string, polygon, multi point, multi line string, multi polygon) and geometry collections
  • features (with id, properties and geometry) and feature collections

This libary exports a subset of package:geobase/geobase.dart.

Usage: import package:geobase/vector_data.dart


Feature<T extends Geometry>
A feature is a geospatial entity with id, properties and geometry.
FeatureBuilder<T extends FeatureObject, E extends Geometry>
A builder to create geospatial feature objects of T from FeatureContent.
FeatureCollection<E extends Feature<Geometry>>
A feature collection contains an array of Feature items.
A common base interface for geospatial feature objects (Feature and FeatureCollection).
A base interface for geometry classes.
GeometryBuilder<T extends Geometry, E extends Geometry>
A builder to create geometry objects of T from GeometryContent.
GeometryCollection<E extends Geometry>
A geometry collection with geometries.
A line string geometry with a chain of positions.
A multi line string with an array of line strings (each with a chain of positions).
A multi point geometry with an array of points (each with a position).
A multi polygon with an array of polygons (each with an array of rings).
A point geometry with a position.
A polygon geometry with one exterior and 0 to N interior rings.
A base interface for "simple" geometry classes.


AddGeometry<T extends Geometry> = void Function(T geometry, {String? name})
A function to add geometry to some collection with an optional name.