CreateBox<T extends Box> typedef

CreateBox<T extends Box> = T Function({double? maxM, required double maxX, required double maxY, double? maxZ, double? minM, required double minX, required double minY, double? minZ})

Creates a new bounding box from minX, minY, maxX and maxY values.

Optional minZ and maxZ for 3D boxes, and minM and maxM for measured boxes can be provided too.

For projected or cartesian bounding boxes (ProjBox), coordinates axis are applied as is.

For geographic bounding boxes (GeoBox), coordinates are applied as: minX => west, minY => south, minZ => minElev, minM => minM, maxX => east, maxY => north, maxZ => maxElev, maxM => maxM


typedef CreateBox<T extends Box> = T Function({
  required double minX,
  required double minY,
  double? minZ,
  double? minM,
  required double maxX,
  required double maxY,
  double? maxZ,
  double? maxM,