parse<R extends FeatureObject, E extends Geometry> static method

R parse<R extends FeatureObject, E extends Geometry>(
  1. String text, {
  2. TextReaderFormat<FeatureContent> format = GeoJSON.feature,
  3. CoordRefSys? crs,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? options,

Parses a feature object of R from text conforming to format.

When format is not given, then the feature format of GeoJSON is used as a default.

Use crs to give hints (like axis order, and whether x and y must be swapped when read in) about coordinate reference system in text input.

Format or decoder implementation specific options can be set by options.


static R parse<R extends FeatureObject, E extends Geometry>(
  String text, {
  TextReaderFormat<FeatureContent> format = GeoJSON.feature,
  CoordRefSys? crs,
  Map<String, dynamic>? options,
}) {
  R? result;

  // get feature builder to build a feature object of R
  final builder = FeatureBuilder<R, E>._((object, {name}) {
    if (result != null) {
      throw const FormatException('Already decoded one');
    result = object;

  // get decoder with the content decoded sent to builder
  final decoder = format.decoder(
    crs: crs,
    options: options,

  // decode and return result if succesful
  if (result != null) {
    return result!;
  } else {
    throw const FormatException('Could not decode text');