
pub package License: MIT stars

Flutter Package that provides methods for fetching currencies information, All information about conversion currency are updated once a day.


  • get currency data by coordinate: The library provides methods to get currency data of a given geographic coordinate.
  • format amount with currency: The library provides methods to easily format amount with currency symbol.
  • convert amount with currency: The library provides methods to easily convert amount the data source are fetched from EXCHANGE RATE API DOCUMENTATION.
  • Support for multiple languages: The methods accept an optional Locale parameter, which can be used to specify the language. The default language is English.


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  geo_currencies: ^0.0.5


Import the package in your Dart code:

import 'package:geo_currencies/geo_currencies.dart';

The GeoCurrencies class is implemented as a interface, with a factory constructor that returns different instance by optional GeoCurrenciesType given, by default the GeoCurrenciesType is live.

For some tests in your code your can do:

final GeoCurrencies geoCurrencies = GeoCurrencies(
    config: GeoCurrenciesConfig(
        geoCurrenciesType: GeoCurrenciesType.fake,
        decimalDigits: 2,
        decimalSeparator: '.',
        includeSymbol: true,
        symbolSeparator: ' ',
        locale: Locale('En', 'en'),
        thousandSeparator: ','),

For live implementation in your code your can do:

final GeoCurrencies geoCurrencies = GeoCurrencies(
    config: GeoCurrenciesConfig(
        decimalDigits: 2,
        decimalSeparator: '.',
        includeSymbol: true,
        symbolSeparator: ' ',
        locale: Locale('En', 'en'),
        thousandSeparator: ','),


  String amountToDisplay = geoCurrencies.formatAmountWithCurrencySymbol(
    amount: 10,
    currencyCodeAlpha3: 'USD',


Output: $ 10


  String amountToDisplay = geoCurrencies.formatAmountWithCurrencyCode(
    amount: 10,
    currencyCodeAlpha3: 'USD',


Output: USD 10


  CurrencyData? currencyData = await geoCurrencies.getCurrencyDataByCoordinate(
    latitude: 37.4219999,
    longitude: 32.0840575,


CurrencyData is a class that represents a currency and its details. It has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
currencyCodeIso4217 String represents the currency code in form iso 4217.
name String represents the currency name.
countryName String represents the country where the currency is used.
symbol String represents the symbol of the currency.


  Future<ConversionData?> convertAmountWithCurrenciesCodes({
    required num amount,
    required String fromCurrencyCodeIso4217,
    required String toCurrencyCodeIso4217,


ConversionData is a class that represents a conversion data and its details. It has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
baseAmount num represents the amount to convert.
succeeded bool wether the conversion is succeed.
amountConverted num represents the amount converted.
formattedAmountConverted String represents the format amount converted.
toCurrencyCodeIso4217 String represents the currency code iso 4217 to which we must convert.
fromCurrencyCodeIso4217 String represents the currency code iso 4217 from which to convert.
rate num represents the rate use for conversion.
currencyConversionData CurrencyConversionData represents the currency conversion data.


  Future<RateData?> getRate({
    required String fromCurrencyCodeIso4217,
    required String toCurrencyCodeIso4217,


RateData is a class that represents a rate data and its details. It has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
succeeded bool wether the conversion is succeed.
formattedAmountConvertedWithCurrencyCode String represents the formatted amount converted with currency code.
formattedAmountConvertedWithCurrencySymbol String represents the formatted amount converted with currency symbol.
toCurrencyCodeIso4217 String represents the currency code iso 4217 to which we must convert.
fromCurrencyCodeIso4217 String represents the currency code iso 4217 from which to convert.
rate num represents the rate fetches.
currencyConversionData CurrencyConversionData represents the currency conversion data.


  AmountConvertedData convertAmountWithRate({
    required num amount,
    required num rate,
    required String toCurrencyCodeIso4217,


AmountConvertedData is a class that represents a amount converted data and its details. It has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
formattedAmountConvertedWithCurrencyCode String represents the formatted amount converted with currency code.
formattedAmountConvertedWithCurrencySymbol String represents the formatted amount converted with currency symbol.
toCurrencyCodeIso4217 String represents the currency code iso 4217 to which we must convert.
baseAmount num represents the base amount.
amountConverted num represents the amount converted.
rate num represents the rate fetches.


http: ^1.1.0
intl: ^0.19.1
logging: ^1.0.2

Additional information

the library uses the following APIs:

